Thursday, August 13, 2009

I am learning to sew!

It's been a busy couple of weeks, so I decided I needed some "me" time to relax. I decided to sign up for two sewing classes at my ocal JoAnne Fabrics. Monday I took Sewing 101 and Wednesday I took 201, How to Make a Tote Bag. Mondays class was all the basics - equipment, terms, and how to thread and perate your machine. This was the biggest obstacle to teaching myself. My machine was given to me by my mom. It was brand new in the box, but from about 20 years ago. And somewhere along the line, the manual got lost. I couldn't find one on line, so I was winging it. Yeah, I never did get the needle threaded. Anyway, so Monday I learned to thread the needle, thread the bobbin, and do a couple simple stitches.

Wednesday we actually made something - a tote bag. I messed up a couple times, but just small stuff like not sewing a straight line or forgetting to back stitch in a few places, but I was still super impressed that I actually made something. I'm totally addicted now. I've already got a list of about a hundred things I want to make! YEAH!!!!!

I'm also going on Saturday to their open house. You get 50% off classes during this event. I'm debating between Table Decor (placemats or table runner) and children's jumper. Each one of the classes is two sessions, but this time I'll get to learn how to read a pattern which I'm eager about.

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